Preventing Email Bounces with Odoo and Plugi Connector


Odoo and Plugi Connector provide a powerful solution for email marketers aiming to reduce bounces and improve deliverability. Email bounces occur when a message fails to reach its intended recipient, negatively impacting your marketing efforts. High bounce rates can damage your sender reputation, leading to decreased engagement and potential blacklisting by Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

To effectively prevent email bounces, it’s crucial to understand the two main types:

  • Hard bounces: Permanent delivery failures due to invalid or non-existent email addresses.
Hard Bounce
  • Soft bounces: Temporary issues caused by factors like a full mailbox or server problems.
Soft Bounce

Odoo and Plugi Connector offer a range of features to help you tackle email bounces:

  1. Email list validation: Use Odoo’s built-in verification feature or integrate with Plugi Connector to identify and remove invalid or outdated addresses, reducing hard bounces.
  2. Real-time email validation: Implement an email validation API on your sign-up forms to ensure only valid addresses enter your database. Odoo and Plugi Connector provide seamless integration options for real-time validation.
  3. Regular list maintenance: Utilize Odoo’s segmentation features to identify inactive or unengaged subscribers. Take appropriate actions, such as sending re-engagement campaigns or removing them from your list, to keep your list fresh and engaged.
  4. Email authentication: Implement email authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to establish your domain’s legitimacy and prevent spoofing. This helps ISPs distinguish your legitimate emails from potential spam, reducing bounces and improving sender reputation.
  5. Optimize email content and design: Ensure your emails are relevant, engaging, and properly formatted. Avoid using spam trigger words, excessive images, or large file attachments that may cause soft bounces . Odoo’s user-friendly email builder and templates make it easy to create professional, mobile-responsive emails that adhere to best practices.
Realtime email verify with Odoo + Plugi Email Verifier Marketplace

For instance, instead of attaching a large PDF file to your email, consider hosting it on your website and including a link within the email content. This approach not only reduces the risk of soft bounces but also provides a better user experience for your subscribers.

By leveraging the powerful features of Odoo and Plugi Connector, email marketers can effectively prevent bounces and maximize the impact of their campaigns. Remember, a clean and engaged email list is the foundation of successful email marketing. With the right tools and strategies in place, you can minimize bounces, improve deliverability, and achieve better results from your email marketing efforts.

Email bounce rate is crucial as it provides insight into the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

Start your journey towards bounce-free email marketing today by implementing these best practices with Odoo and Plugi Connector. Your sender reputation, engagement rates, and overall marketing success will thank you for it!

We hope you found this article useful and informative. If you want to learn more about avoiding bounces connect with Saloni Darji from WanBuffer Services.

Originally published at



Wan Buffer Services-Odoo, Business Automation + AI

Wan Buffer Services is a global Odoo expert, delivering over 50 solutions. We serve clients in 5 countries, with a 98% satisfaction rate.