Email Segmentation : Power Your Marketing Strategy with These 13 Proven Tactics



Despite the regular introduction of new “ email-killing “ applications, email marketing continues to thrive, as evidenced by the constant influx of product updates, company news, and promotional offers in our inboxes . Ironically, even these so-called email-killers rely on email to educate users about their features.

The persistent red badge on your mail app, indicating the number of unread messages, serves as a reminder that email marketing is here to stay. However, the true power of email marketing lies not just in its ubiquity but in the practice of email segmentation. This involves categorizing recipients into distinct groups based on their interests, behaviors, or demographic characteristics , allowing for more targeted and effective communication.

Table of contents:

1. What is email segmentation?

2. The benefits of email segmentation

3. How to segment your email list

4. 13 segmentation ideas for your email marketing campaign

5. How to get started with email segmentation

What is email segmentation?

Email segmentation, also referred to as list segmentation, is the practice of classifying email recipients into smaller, focused groups based on their behavior or demographics to furnish them with personalized content. These groups may vary in size, encompassing broad categories or specific characteristics such as recent newsletter registrations from Arizona. The objective is to deliver content that resonates with recipients, driving higher engagement and satisfaction.

Email Segmentation

Benefits of email segmentation

Odoo — Email Summary

Implementing email segmentation can yield numerous benefits for your marketing efforts:

  1. Increased open rates: Relevant content leads to more engaging subject lines, encouraging recipients to open your emails.
  2. Higher click-through rates: Targeted content encourages recipients to interact with your calls to action.
  3. Improved conversion rates: Personalized emails drive recipients closer to making a purchase or signing up for your services.
  4. Better ROI: Tailored content results in more effective spend and a stronger financial return for each email sent.
  5. Reduced unsubscribers: Relevant emails decrease the likelihood of recipients unsubscribing due to irrelevant content.
  6. Avoidance of spam filters: Segmented lists help improve deliverability and prevent your emails from being flagged as spam.

How to Segment Your Email List

Email segmentation is typically based on demographic or behavioral data. Demographic data includes age, gender, location, job title, organization type, and preferences. Behavioral data encompasses factors such as purchase history, shopping considerations, preferred shopping channels, and click behavior.

13 Segmentation Ideas for Your Email Marketing Campaign

  1. Engage new subscribers with onboarding emails
  2. Reward loyal customers with exclusive offers
  3. Separate B2B and B2C audiences
  4. Lean into readers with high open rates
  5. Re-engage inactive customers
  6. Show appreciation for regular buyers
  7. Follow up with those who didn’t buy
  8. Inform would-be buyers about restocks
  9. Nurture leads in the sales funnel
  10. Respond to changes in behaviors
  11. Leverage roles and responsibilities
  12. Tap into your customer personas
  13. Differentiate between budget-friendly and luxury shoppers

Getting Started with Email Segmentation

To begin your email segmentation journey, follow these three steps:

  1. Define your data points: Identify the data you’re already collecting, can start collecting, and need to request from customers.
  2. Experiment with segments: Use your data to create targeted segments and test different strategies.
  3. Measure, adjust, and repeat: Track email interactions, use insights to improve future campaigns, and consider A/B testing to optimize performance.

By leveraging the power of Odoo and Plugi, you can automate your email marketing efforts and deliver targeted, personalized content to your audience. Connect with us to learn more about how these tools can help you achieve your marketing goals.

Originally published at



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